‘The East End Survival Kit’ of a former Undercover Agent, who sees fit training victims against organised crime and forfeits fees, by Countess Sigrid von Galen

‘The East End Survival Kit’ of a former Undercover Agent, who sees fit training victims against organised crime and forfeits fees,


by Countess Sigrid von Galen


‘There are only two mistakes in life: Firstly, not to begin to walk on the path of the truth and, secondly, not to walk it to the end.’



‘The East End Survival Kit’,


by a former Undercover Agent, who sees fit training victims against organised crime and forfeits all fees





‘There are only two mistakes in life: Firstly, not to begin to walk on the path of the truth and, secondly, not to walk it to the end.’
Says an undercover agent, who sometimes hints drops on his way in pursuing the truth and reality of East End organised crime, via his walking stick. ‘Follow i.e. the trail of the old Kray brothers network and take your pick, even in the streets from the purposefully dumped mail, and triangulate, for example, an St Chad Church carpark with Premises and any of the cars that park there’ courtesy of a special key,

‘and you get an interesting picture of the various regrouped criminal freemasonry and Templars and other such secret societies, who run the organised crime show also from within many a copycat charity, tattoo and music studio, cafe and via schools, churches, a priory, shops and museums and pop ups of more or less frequent and in/visible criminal enterprises.’

Almost nothing is as it seems in Haggerston, Hoxton, Shoreditch, Bethnal Green and Roman Road, or in wider Hackney, Islington and Tower Hamlets, as too many families live secretly from the bribery, or are coerced or blackmailed into the well-oiled hell machinery, still maintained by certain Mafia style Elders and their recruits and their latest wannabe secret Eastenders royalty candidates, who are under their invisibility cloak secretly in touch and who leave their communication even in church pews of oak or engraved in trees as runes or hieroglyphes, or, simply with every day items placed strategically.

Organised criminality and hidden para-military fascism and any other kind of terrorism come in all ages, shapes and sizes, and even an invitation to a public and seasonal event is to those playing their role and part as criminal facilitator, or mole, a carefully crafted opportunity in the church hall, studio, cafe or navem for yet another exchange of plots and planning the latest wave of attacks and series of framing and slander and stalking, using the disguise of a community gathering.

But to the victims and targets of East End organised criminality that is almost as old as its existence, every invite is the sign to stay well away, as it is always the same old pattern and keyplayers and faces, sometimes just regrouping in different spaces, as they were too careless in the previous places, and abused their board membership once too often or boasted too early too loud in a white cloud about their latest criminal endeavours, and they got found out and lost their friends, when they turned out to be not at all saviours…

First rule: ‘Stay away from invitations that say “All welcome”, as they are issued by the ones, who already await their targets and potential victims to gather intel on them, just to throw at them later stones. [Never mind that in the East End they are also especially notorious with their freemasonry/Templars and Satanist cones, and train already their children or those of unassuming fathers and mothers, how to steal and to play clones and how to clone phones. Not to mention the groomers for CSA, and cannibalistic/ritualistic slaughters of sons and daughters, who are disappeared by the scores and who were bullied from toddler age into a life of criminal chores!]

Second rule: ‘Don’t entrust your child to any official, as it might be the one, who secretly grooms and facilitates enforced adoption or frames your child for another’s crime for simply being in the wrong rooms at the right time. Never leave your child in any charity, church, facility alone!].

Third rule: ‘Don’t give your personal detail to sweet talkers and stalkers in the cafe or in the street, and be careful, whom you invite into your home, as one day they might steal your identity and your mail, and abuse the immunity or authority of a member of their secret society hierarchy for some spectacular notoriety and act as your tail, and let your every project and business systematically fail, if you step accidentally on their trail.’

Fourth rule: ‘Think more than twice, if a mother from school with a designer bag full of cash offers to help you out financially, when she invites you to go on a shopping spree with her, although she already knows from the information in your trash that you rather want to save than to go full of woe into your early grave!’ [These kind of women misbehave per se, and prey on their target’s mind and even use spells and curses of hells to make even their sisters and brothers temporarily blind to the fact that they do on behalf of a criminal consortium act and money out of public koffers and from church offerings take and never fit all into their purses.]

Fifth rule: ‘Beware of people, who do over a drink or snack at each other about you blink, as they often have bleach for cleaning up crime scenes in a range rover, as they of the blood on their hands barely washed off, still stink. [Such a car in the East End comes with the price of an assassination kill.’]

Sixth rule: ‘Don’t accept any offer or gift that smells of bribery, as the East End neighbourhood ring leaders always start with fake generosity initially to groom their targets and new recruits or victims alike with items or an art object for the room, or with luxurious food, only to suddenly ask you to be their child trafficker or money mule, as every victim a story of this pattern tells.’


Seventh rule: ‘Beware of hidden smear campaigns and of becoming an unassuming partner-in-crime, when you are being ‘briefed’ by neighbours, who ‘mean well’ but who do for their criminal operation lies tell and incite and recruit others for their hate crimes, stalking and criminal damage, as it left already numerous exposed “innocent” bystanders and coerced slanderers guilt-ridden!’



Remember: Don’t do to others, what you yourself would not like to be done to you…






Sigrid Countess von Galen
Founder and Chair, Director for International Security Affairs,
Clemens August Graf von Galen Institute

Chair, The International Church Victims Commission







@instcrimjust @CTraumastudies @sigridvongalen

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